
The material on this page is part of the Quick Start Guide and is not exhaustive. For more details, please see the Reference Pages.

  • Access to the Hydra cluster is through a remote terminal connection:
    • If you are using a Mac you will use the built-in Terminal App,
    • for Windows, you can use the ssh client integrated into new versions of the Windows command prompt, the program PuTTY, or another ssh client
    • for Linux use ssh.
  • When you received your email from the Hydra admin team with your user account information it contained your username and a link to reset your initial password.
    • You will need your username to reset your initial password,
    • and enable VPN, log into,  or use a "trusted" computer to connect to the self-serve password change/reset page.
  • There are two computers (known as login nodes) that you can log into for Hydra access:
    •, and
    • You can use either one.


To connect to Hydra you must either:

  • use a "trusted" computer: one connected to the Smithsonian network - SI or SAO/CfA, or
  • use SI's or SAO/CfA's VPN, or
  • for SAO/CfA users only, log on one of these hosts first:

Requesting Access

Logging in From a Computer Running MacOS

  1. Open the Terminal application by going to /Applications/Utilities and finding Terminal. 

    1. You can get to the Utilities folder by going to the Go menu in the Finder and choosing Utilities

  2. At the command prompt (that ends with % by default on newer versions of macOS) type in this command, replacing username with your hydra username (all lower case) from you welcome email:

    % ssh

    (warning) The first time you login you will see this message, type yes to continue:

    The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is ...
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

    You will get a password prompt where you should enter the password you selected when using self-serve password reset page (check here how to change or reset your password).

    (warning) Note: no text, stars or bullets will appear when you type in your password.

    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    [username@hydra-login01 ~]$ 

    You are now logged into Hydra!

Logging in From a Computer Running Windows

Recent releases of Windows 10 (version 1803 and newer) come with a ssh client that is available through the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  1. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell which can be found by searching the Start menu.
  2. At the command prompt  type in this command, replacing username with your hydra username (all lower case) from you welcome email:

    C:\Users\WindowsUsername> ssh

    (warning) The first time you login you will see this message, type yes to continue:

    The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is ...
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

    You will get a password prompt where you should enter the password you selected when using self-serve password reset page (check here how to change or reset your password).

    (warning) Note: no text, stars or bullets will appear when you type in your password.

    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    [username@hydra-login01 ~]$ 

    The change in the command prompt from the Windows prompt C:\Users\...>  to [useranme@hydra-login01 ~]$  shows that you are now connected to Hydra.

If your release of Windows 10 does not have ssh (you get an error message like: 'ssh' is not recognized as an internal or external program... ), we recommend using the program PuTTY to connect to Hydra.

The program to download is putty.exe.

  1. The downloaded putty.exe can be run without running a Windows installer program.

  2. Start PuTTY and in the Configuration screen that opens enter in the Host Name text box (replacing username with your hydra username (all lower case) from you welcome email), then press Open

    (warning) The first time you connect you will get a warning about the Server's host key, choose the "Yes" option

  1. A terminal window will open.

    At the Password: prompt use the password you selected when using self-serve password reset page (check here how to change or reset your password).

    (warning) Note: no text, stars or bullets will appear when you type in your password.

    username@hydra-login01's password: 
    [username@hydra-login01 ~]$

    You are now logged into Hydra! 

Logging in From a Computer Running Linux

  • From a trusted computer (i.e. most CF- or HEA-managed machines, or after enabling SI's or SAO/CfA's VPN) use ssh to connect to one of the two login nodes:
    • ssh


    • ssh

(lightbulb) Linux (and Mac) users can enable password-less login into Hydra using the Public key authentication.

  • Follow the instructions here or Google "passwordless ssh mac" or "passwordless ssh mac" and follow the instructions.

Logging in via

The is available from inside the Smithsonian network as well as remotely. There is a web-based terminal program available on to access Hydra.

After logging in, expand the "IT Tools" section choose "Hydra".

Hydra icon on telework site

Choose one of the "A web based SSH terminal" links to start the web terminal connection to one of the login nodes.

At the login: prompt, enter your Hydra username and at the password: prompt, enter your Hydra password.


Last updated  MK/SGK.

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