1. What Disks to Use
  2. Disk Quotas
  3. Disk Configuration
  4. Disk Usage Monitoring
  5. NetApp Snapshots: How to Recover Old or Deleted Files
  6. SSD and Local Disk Space

 (this is still a draft, some items need to be fixed)

1. What Disks to Use

All the useful disk space available on the cluster is mounted off a dedicated device (aka appliance or server), a NetApp filer.

The available disk space is divided in several area (aka partitions):

Note that:

2. Disk Quotas

To prevent the disks to fill up and hose the cluster, there is a limit (aka quota) on

Each quota type has a soft limit (warning) and a hard limit (error) and is specific to each partition. In other words exceeding the soft limit produces warnings; while exceeding the hard limit is not allowed, and results in errors.

3. Disk Configuration


 MaximumQuotas per userNetApp 
 diskdisk space

no. of files


Disk name










yes: 4 weeks

For your basic configuration files, scripts and job files

- your limit is low but you can recover old stuff up to 4 weeks.





yes: 2 weeks

 For important but relatively small files like final results, etc.

- your limit is medium, you can recover old stuff, but disk space is not released right away.

For SAO users.




yes: 2 weeks

For important but relatively small files like final results, etc.

- your limit is medium, you can recover old stuff, but disk space is not released right away.

For non-SAO users.






For the bulk of your storage

- your limit is high, and disk space is released right away, for SAO users.





For the bulk of your storage

- your limit is high, and disk space is released right away, for non-SAO users.





no, FIFO model

For temporary storage, if you need more than what you can keep in /pool

- SAO/non-SAO user should use /scratch/sao or /scratch/genomics, respectively.

The FIFO model (first in first out) purging has yet to be implemented as we tune the system.


The notation

It is inefficient to store a slew of small files and if you do you may reach your inodes quota before you space quota.

While some of the tool(s) you use may force you to be inefficient while jobs are running, you should remember to

The sizes of the partitions (aka the various disks) on the NetApp will "auto-grow" until they reach the  listed maximum capacity, so the size shown by the traditional Un*x command, like df does necessarily not reflect the maximum size.

Once we secure more space for /scratch, we will implement a FIFO (first in first out) model, where old files are deleted without warning to make space.

4. Disk Monitoring

The following tools can be used to monitor your disk usage.

You can use the following Un*x commands:

dushow disk use
dfshow disk free

or you can use Hydra-specific home-grown tools, (these require that you load the tool/local-hpc module)

dus-report.plrun du and parse its output in a more user friendly format
disk-usage.pl run df and parse its output in a more user friendly format

Disk usage

The output of du can be very long and confusing. It is best used with the option "-hs" to show the sum ("-s") and to print it in a human readable format ("-h").

(warning) If there is a lot of files/directory, du can take a while to complete.

(lightbulb) For example:

% du -sh dir/
136M    dir/


The output of df can be very long and confusing.

(lightbulb) You can use it to query a specific partition and get the output in a human readable format ("-h"), for example:

% df -h /pool/sao
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on   20T   15T  5.1T  75% /pool/sao


You can compile the output of du into a more useful report with the dus-report.pl tool. This tool will run du for you (can take a while) and parse its output to produce a more concise/useful report.

For example, to see the directories that hold the most stuff in /pool/sao/hpc:

% dus-report.pl /pool/sao/hpc
 612.372 GB            /pool/sao/hpc
                       capac.   20.000 TB (75% full), avail.    5.088 TB
 447.026 GB  73.00 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc
 308.076 GB  50.31 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0
 138.950 GB  22.69 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX
 137.051 GB  22.38 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX/M100-test-oob-2
 120.198 GB  19.63 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2
 120.198 GB  19.63 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2-2-9
  83.229 GB  13.59 %   /pool/sao/hpc/c7
  83.229 GB  13.59 %   /pool/sao/hpc/c7/hpc
  65.280 GB  10.66 %   /pool/sao/hpc/sw
  64.235 GB  10.49 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test1
  49.594 GB   8.10 %   /pool/sao/hpc/sw/intel-cluster-studio
  46.851 GB   7.65 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX/M100-test-oob-2/X54.ms
  46.851 GB   7.65 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX/M100-test-oob-2/X54.ms/SUBMSS
  43.047 GB   7.03 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX/M100-test-oob-2/X220.ms
  43.047 GB   7.03 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/vX/M100-test-oob-2/X220.ms/SUBMSS
  42.261 GB   6.90 %   /pool/sao/hpc/c7/hpc/sw
  36.409 GB   5.95 %   /pool/sao/hpc/c7/hpc/tests
  30.965 GB   5.06 %   /pool/sao/hpc/c7/hpc/sw/intel-cluster-studio
  23.576 GB   3.85 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2/X54.ms
  23.576 GB   3.85 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2-2-9/X54.ms
  23.576 GB   3.85 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2/X54.ms/SUBMSS
  23.576 GB   3.85 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2-2-9/X54.ms/SUBMSS
  22.931 GB   3.74 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2/X220.ms
  22.931 GB   3.74 %   /pool/sao/hpc/rtdc/v4.4.0/test2-2-9/X220.ms
report in /tmp/dus.pool.sao.hpc.hpc

You can rerun dus-report.pl with different options on the same intermediate file, like

   % dus-report.pl -n 999 -pc 1 /tmp/dus.pool.sao.hpc.hpc

to get a different report, to see the list down to 1%. Use

   % dus-report.pl -help 

to see how else you can use it.


The tool disk-usage.pl runs df and presents its output in a more friendly format:

% disk-usage.pl 
Filesystem                              Size     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
NetApp.1:/vol_home/hpc                 2.70T    1.02T    1.68T  38%/17%  /home/hpc
NetApp.1:/vol_sao                     20.00T   14.91T    5.09T  75%/34%  /pool/sao
NetApp.1:/vol_sao_atmos               18.00T   13.80T    4.20T  77%/7%   /pool/sao_atmos
NetApp.1:/vol_sao_rtdc                 1.00T  167.51G  856.49G  17%/1%   /pool/sao_rtdc
NetApp.1:/vol_genomics                20.00T   17.12T    2.88T  86%/57%  /pool/genomics
NetApp.1:/vol_data_genomics            1.90T   10.78G    1.89T   1%/3%   /data/genomics
NetApp.1:/vol_data/sao                 3.60T    3.27T  336.17G  91%/37%  /data/sao
NetApp.1:/vol_data/admin               3.60T    3.27T  336.17G  91%/37%  /data/admin
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster0      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster0
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster1      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster1
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster2      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster2
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster3      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster3
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster4      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster4
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster5      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster5
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster7      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%  /pool/cluster7
NetApp.1:/vol_sylvain                 14.18T   12.75T    1.43T  90%/51%  /pool/sylvain
NetApp.1:/vol_scratch/genomics        25.00T   19.53T    5.47T  79%/5%   /scratch/genomics
NetApp.1:/vol_scratch/sao             25.00T   19.53T    5.47T  79%/5%   /scratch/sao
NetApp.5:/vol/a2v1/genomics01         20.00T    0.05G   20.00T   1%/1%   /scratch/genomics01
NetApp.5:/vol/a2v1/sao01              20.00T    0.05G   20.00T   1%/1%   /scratch/sao01


   % disk-usage.pl -help

to see how else to use it. You can, for instance, get the disk quotas and the max size with:

% disk-usage.pl -quotas
                                                                 quotas: disk usage #(inodes)  max 
Filesystem                              Size     Used    Avail Capacity  soft/hard  soft/hard size Mounted on
NetApp.1:/vol_home/hpc                 2.70T    1.02T    1.68T  38%/17%   50G/100G  1.8M/2.0M   8T /home/hpc
NetApp.1:/vol_sao                     20.00T   14.91T    5.09T  75%/34%  1.8T/2.0T  4.0M/5.0M  60T /pool/sao
NetApp.1:/vol_sao_atmos               18.00T   13.80T    4.20T  77%/7%   8.0T/10.T  9.0M/10.M  22T /pool/sao_atmos
NetApp.1:/vol_sao_rtdc                 1.00T  167.51G  856.49G  17%/1%   2.8T/3.0T  2.5M/3.0M  11T /pool/sao_rtdc
NetApp.1:/vol_genomics                20.00T   17.12T    2.88T  86%/57%  1.8T/2.0T  1.8M/2.0M  50T /pool/genomics
NetApp.1:/vol_data_genomics            1.90T   10.78G    1.89T   1%/3%   1.0T/2.0T  1.0M/2.0M  10T /data/genomics
NetApp.1:/vol_data/*                   3.60T    3.27T  336.17G  91%/37%  2.8T/3.0T  35.M/40.M  20T /data/sao:admin
NetApp.1:/vol_old_pools/cluster*      17.00T   15.60T    1.40T  92%/22%                            /pool/cluster0:1:2:3:4:5:7
NetApp.1:/vol_sylvain                 14.18T   12.75T    1.43T  90%/51%  14.T/15.T  63.M/65.M  15T /pool/sylvain
NetApp.1:/vol_scratch/*               25.00T   19.53T    5.47T  79%/5%   2.8T/3.0T  1.0M/1.0M  50T /scratch/genomics:sao
NetApp.5:/vol/a2v1/*                  20.00T    0.05G   20.00T   1%/1%   14.T/15.T  2.0M/2.0M  20T /scratch/genomics01:sao01

Monitoring Quota Usage

The Linux command quota is not (yet) working with the NetApp filer.


We compile a daily quota report and provide tools to parse the quota report.

The daily quota report is written around 3:25am in a file called quota_report_MMDDYY, located in /share/apps/adm/reports.

The string MMDDYY corresponds to the date of the report: "012016" for Jan 20 2016 report.

The format of this file is not very user friendly and users are listed by their user ID.


The Hydra-specific home-grown tool, (requires that you load the tool/local-hpc module), parse-quota-report.pl, will parse the quota report file and produce a more concise report.

For example:

% parse-quota-report.pl
Disk quota report: show usage 75% above quota as of Wed Jan 20 03:43:05 2016

volume = /pool/genomics/ (vol_genomics) hard quota =  2.0TB or 5M files
                          --  disk   --     --  #files --
name                      usage   %quota    usage  %quota 
------------------------- ------- ------    ------ ------
/pool/genomics/savagea     3.34TB 167.0%    23.40M 468.0% *** Anna Savage - NZP
/pool/genomics/tsuchiyam   1.67TB  83.5%     0.12M   2.4%     Mirian Tsuchiya,NMNH/Botany
/pool/genomics/sigelem     1.61TB  80.5%     0.00M   0.0%     Erin Sigel - NMNH

volume = /home/ (vol_home) hard quota = 100.0GB or 2M files
                          --  disk   --     --  #files --
name                      usage   %quota    usage  %quota 
------------------------- ------- ------    ------ ------
/home/tonylee             131.5GB 131.5%     0.16M   8.1% *** Tony Lee - SAO/AMP
/home/zhangn               99.4GB  99.4%     1.06M  52.8% *** Ning Zhang,NMNH/VZ

volume = /pool/sao/ (vol_sao) hard quota =  2.0TB or 5M files
                          --  disk   --     --  #files --
name                      usage   %quota    usage  %quota 
------------------------- ------- ------    ------ ------
/pool/sao/gchen            3.67TB 183.5%     0.20M   4.0% *** Guo-Xin Chen - SAO/SSP-AMP
/pool/sao/afoster          2.00TB 100.0%     0.33M   6.7% *** Adam Foster - SAO/HEA
/pool/sao/atripathi        1.87TB  93.5%     0.60M  11.9%     Anjali Tripathi - SAO/AST

volume = /pool/ (vol_sylvain) hard quota = 15.0TB or 65M files
                          --  disk   --     --  #files --
name                      usage   %quota    usage  %quota 
------------------------- ------- ------    ------ ------
/pool/sylvain             12.74TB  84.9%    33.03M  50.8%     Sylvain G. Korzennik,SAO/SSP

Or you can check your use  with

% parse-quota-report.pl -u hpc
Disk quota report: show usage 0% above quota only for hpc as of Wed Jan 20 03:43:05 2016
                          --  disk   --     --  #files --    -hard quota-
name                      usage   %quota    usage  %quota    disk sp  #f
------------------------- ------- ------    ------ ------    -------- ---
/data/sao/hpc             191.0MB   0.0%     0.00M   0.0%      3.00TB 40M
/home/hpc                   1.6GB   1.6%     0.04M   2.0%     100.0GB  2M
/pool/sao/hpc             606.9GB  29.6%     0.55M  11.0%      2.00TB  5M
/scratch/genomics/hpc      47.2GB   0.3%     0.00M   0.0%     15.00TB 10M


   % parse-quota-report.pl -h

for the complete usage info.

5. NetApp Snapshots: How to Recover Old or Deleted Files.

Some of the disks on the NetApp filer have the so called "snapshot mechanism" enabled:

How to Use the NetApp Snapshots:

To recover an old version or a deleted file, foo.dat, that was (for example) in /data/genomics/frandsen/important/results/:

   % cd /data/genomics/.snapshot/XXXX/frandsen/important/results
   % cp -pi foo.dat /data/genomics/frandsen/important/results/foo.dat
   % cd /data/genomics/.snapshot/XXXX/frandsen/important/results
   % cp -pi foo.dat /data/genomics/frandsen/important/results/old-foo.dat

6. SSD and Local Disk Space

We are in the process of adding local SSDs (solid state disks) to some compute nodes (not all - stay tuned), and
for special cases it may be OK to use disk space local to the compute node.

Until we post here detailed instruction, you should contact us if your jobs can benefit for either SSDs or local disk space (missing link).

Last Updated SGK.