1. 40140817
  2. Matrix of Queues
    1. Notes
    2. How to Specify a Queue
    3. Examples
    4. Memory Reservation
    5. Formats
    6. Host Groups
    7. Queue Selection Validation and/or Verification
  3. Hardware Limits
    1. Notes

1. Introduction

Every job running on the cluster is started in a queue.

All jobs run in batch mode, and the default Rocks queue all.q is not available,  it is disabled.

2. Matrix of Queues

The set of available queues is a matrix of queues:

Here the list of queues and their characteristics (time versus memory limits) :

MemoryTime limit (soft CPU time)
per CPUT<7hT<6dT<30d

environments Type of jobs
6 GBsThC.qmThC.qlThC.quThC.q
mpich, orte, mthreadserial or parallel, that need less than 6GB of memory per CPU
450 GBsThM.qmThM.qlThM.quThM.q
mthreadserial or multi-threaded, 6GB < memory needed < 450GB
1 TB

mthreadserial or multi-threaded, memory needed > 450GB, restricted
1 TB

mthreadtest queue to access SSDs


8 GB

mthreadinteractive queue, use qrsh instead of qsub; qsh is not supported.
2 GB


mthreadI/O queue (to access /store )


How to Specify a Queue

(grey lightbulb) Why do I need to add -l himem or -l lopri?


qsub flagsMeaning of the request
-l s_cpu=48:00:0048 hour of consumed CPU (per slot)
-l s_rt=200:00:00200 hour of elapsed time
-q mThC.quse the mThC.q queue
-l mres=12G,h_data=12G,h_vmem=12G12GB of memory (per CPU),  a 10 CPUs parallel job will reserve 120GB
-q mThM.q -l mres=12G,h_data=12G,h_vmem=12G,himem

to run in the medium-time high-memory queue.

This is a correct, i.e., complete, specification (memory use specs and himem)

-q uThC.q -l loprito run in the unlimited high-cpu queue, note the -l lopri
-q uTxlM.rq -l himemunlimited-time, extra-large-memory, restricted to a subset of users
-q uTspM.rq -l himemunlimited-time, special-memory, restricted to a subset of users

All jobs that use more then 2 GB of memory (per CPU) should include a memory reservation and requirement with -l mres=X,h_data=X,h_vmem=X.

Interactive Queue

You can start an interactive session on a compute node using the command qrsh (and not qsub, nor qsh)

Memory Reservation

Format Specifications

Host Groups

The GE supports the concept of a host group, i.e., a list of hosts (compute nodes).

Queue Selection Validation and/or Verification

3. Hardware limits

The following table shows the current hardware limits (to be reviewed)

NumberNumberAmount of
Queueofof CPUsMemory per
typenodesslotsper nodeNodeComment
?ThC.q 78 2884 12 to 64 2GB to 4GB/cpu
?ThM.q14 816 24 or 64 512GB per node
uTxlM.rq 2 8040 1TB per node
ssd.tq 2(misc)(misc)(misc)local SSDs (test queue)
qrsh.iq212864256GB per nodeuse qrsh (not qsh or qsub)

The values in this table change as we modify the hardware configuration, you can verify them with either

   % qstat -g c


  % module load tools/local

  % qstat+ -gc


   % qhost


Last updated    SGK