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Comment: Change the post-run analysis instructions


  1. Add doNotRun='true' to the run section of your BEAST XML file.
  2. Start an interactive session with enough memory to start the BEAST job: qrsh -pe mthread 8 
  3. In the interactive session, load the BEAST module and start the execution of your XML file. In the -threads option, specify the number of SNAPP steps you specific in your XML (in the example it is 48)

    Code Block
    module load bio/beast
    beast -threads 48 your_file.xml

  4. This creates 48 step directories and a run<number>.sh script for each one. You can submit a separate job for each of the bash scripts. A sample job file (beast_step_run.job) and a bash script to submit the jobs are below.

    Code Block
    # /bin/sh
    # ----------------Parameters---------------------- #
    #$ -S /bin/sh
    #$ -q lThM.q
    #$ -l mres=16G,h_data=16G,h_vmem=16G,himem
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -j y
    #$ -N beast_step_run
    #$ -o beast_step_run.log
    # ----------------Modules------------------------- #
    module load bioinformatics/beast
    # ----------------Your Commands------------------- #
    echo + `date` job $JOB_NAME started in $QUEUE with jobID=$JOB_ID on $HOSTNAME
    echo + NSLOTS = $NSLOTS
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
      echo "Give the run number as an argument: e.g. qsub beast_step_run.job 0"
      exit 1
    source ./run${1}.sh
    echo = `date` job $JOB_NAME done

    Code Block
    for x in $(seq 0 47); do
      qsub -o run${x}.log beast_step_run.job ${x}

    (warning) Change the seq command to match the range of steps. Shown here is for 48 steps which are numbered  to 

  5. Submit the steps as separate cluster jobs with: source submit.sou
  6. When all the jobs are complete, run the PathSampleAnalyser to get the final output. In the below example, the output is redirected to the file pathsampler.out . You should of course adjust the arguments (like alpha  and burnInPercentage to suite your analysis. 

    Code Block
    qrsh -pe mthread 8
    module load bio/beast
    javaapplauncher beast.inference.PathSampleAnalyser -nrOfSteps 48 -alpha 0.3 path_run1 25-rootdir /path/to/your/runs -burnInPercentage 25 >pathsampler.out 2>&1

    You can see all the PathSampleAnalyser  arguments with: applauncher PathSampleAnalyser -help