You can receive notification when new items (also called "articles") are published by "following" authors, projects, collections, categories or search queries.

Look for the red + Follow button (or + Follow this search link, in the case of search results)

Control how you receive notification of your followed searches under your profile by clicking on your profile icon and choosing Account settings then clicking on Notifications.

Get alerts via RSS

Alerts are normally delivered as daily or weekly summary emails. If you prefer, you can receive notifications in an RSS feed. Items that match your alert criteria will come in as individual citations with links rather than a summary.

Go to Account Settings...Notifications and under Manage what you follow click the settings cog wheel.

If you click on RSS link, the RSS feed will open in a new tab/window. Simply copy and paste the URL for that feed into your feed reader of choice (works great in Outlook). 

If you want, you can then disable the email notifications by clicking on the envelope